Day 8 | Kung Fu Basics
- Introduction 0:33
- Warm Up 10:42
- Basics Class 41:08
In this class you will review of all basic movements that you have learned in week 1.

Day 9 | Kung Fu Forms
- Introduction 0:49
- Warm Up 13:34
- Forms Class 30:17
In this class you will start learning one of the most fundamental forms of Shaolin Kung Fu, the Five Steps Form.

Day 10 | Kung Fu Basics
- Introduction 1:06
- Warm Up 10:04
- Basics Class 39:13
In this class you will learn Snap Kick and two Movement Combinations: MaBu Block GongBu Double Punch and MaBu Press GongBu Punch.

Day 11 | QiGong - Meditation
- Introduction 0:50
- QiGong - Meditation Class 39:49
In this class you are going to learn the basic theory behind QiGong and Meditation. You will practice Dynamic QiGong, Standing QiGong and Meditation.

Day 12 | Conditioning
- Introduction 2:39
- Conditioning Class 31:08
In this Conditioning class, Wei Shifu will teach you how to condition your body in the Shaolin Kung Fu way.

Day 13 & 14 | Movie Time
- Movie Recommendation
- Kung Fu Motivation
Movie recommendation to inspire your further training.
Start training today with the most complete and professional Shaolin Kung Fu Basics program that you can find on the internet